Title: Body Talk
Artist: Foxes
Album: Body Talk Single
Genre: Pop
Video: Body Talk
The video and song are both giving serious 80s vibes. This one is all about realizing that for some reason the relationship just wasn't right and you have to accept it. Let the past go. I like that the song acknowledges this realizing the situation may have been wrong but it still is going to hurt. You're going to feel a little lost and cry. Honesty in lyrics is always a plus. So listen and take the song's advice, "just let it go" and "let your body talk" (aka dance)! This is a great song for if you don't want something horribly depressing (sob fest song) but are not quite ready for the crazy upbeat, bubblegum pop either. Dance away the heartbreak.

Title: Should've Been Us
Artist: Tori Kelly
Album: Unbreakable Smile
Genre: Pop
Video: Should've Been Us
You may have heard this one on the radio recently. This is all about reminiscing and wondering what could have been. Everything about this is the eternal "what if?". The lyrics talk about how everything should have been, about how everything was crazy before but if things had been given a shot they would have worked out and been perfect. Maybe not realistic in every situation but a lot of people have certainly had this thought after something has ended, that idealized image of possibilities. More honest lyrics! Tori is more traditional pop and her tempo is faster and the video has some fun moments, especially the concert scenes. Check it out.
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