Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling

Title: The Luminous Dead
Author: Caitlin Starling
Page Count: 432
Rating: B
Format Read: Kindle
Genre: Science Fiction
Keywords: Horror, Spelunking, Zombies
Kid Appropriate: Teens and older

Gyre is a twenty-two year old living on a desert planet that survives off of caving, the dangerous occupation of wandering into unmapped caves in search of precious minerals and massive profits. If she just does two or three jobs she will have enough to follow her long gone mother to a new world. When a mysterious company is offering insane amounts of money, a high tech suit, and an expert team to monitor and assist her, Gyre lies about her qualifications to get the job. Once alone in the cave, Gyre comes to the startling realization that the expert team is really one girl: Em. Facing possible zombies, giant worms, and a cave trying to kill her, Gyre fights to just survive.

This book is a delightful mashup of horror and science fiction. Obviously our science fiction elements comes from this being a mining expedition on a different planet and there is frequent mention of life on other planets in the system. While we only get vague hints of the world outside of Em's cave, there is a lot of potential for Starling to expand this world. I was definitely intrigued to learn more. The research components of Em's company and the suits mentioned throughout that protect cavers from the elements is also intriguing. 

Our horror is not a downright disgusting or nightmarish scare-fest. Instead Starling slowly amps up the suspense and a creeping feeling of dread. Gyre is unfurling a decades long mystery as she stumbles through the dark and her life is continually put at risk by lapses in Em's judgement, her own inexperience, and the dangers of the cave that has already claimed dozens of lives. Up until the last page you're not sure if the monsters are real or if Gyre is just losing her mind. This is definitely for fans of the unreliable narrator.

What felt really weird is the romance aspect of this novel. Gyre slowly begins to develop feelings and an attraction to Em. While by the end of this book it feels far more natural, when it was first introduced it just felt really forced. Almost like the author felt the need to add a romance for the sake of doing it. Gyre does not trust Em whatsoever, even despises her at times, and yet she is looking at her on a video screen and thinking how gorgeous she is? I just wasn't buying it. But I will admit the pairing did eventually grow on me.

If you're looking for a tense, fun read full of creepy suspense and a good dose of spelunking adventures then this is the one for you. Check out my video review below. Happy reading!

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