Sunday, August 2, 2020

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1) by J. R. Ward

Title: Dark Lover
Author: J. R. Ward
Page Count: 432
Rating: B+
Format Read: Kindle
Genre: Romance/Erotica
Keywords: Vampires, Sex, Love
Kid Appropriate: No

My Review:

I ended up picking up this book after hearing Sarah J. Maas mention how much she loves J. R. Ward's books and that she especially liked the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. When I pulled it up on Amazon I was definitely interested. Wrath is the last pure blooded vampire and he is the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, not to mention king of the vampires. He is brooding and moody and has a bit of a vendetta against the vampire slayers that massacred his entire family when he was a boy. This long haired bad boy is the standard romance male lead. When one of his fighter's dies, he must fulfill his last request: to look after his half human daughter Beth. And of course there is some serious chemistry when he tries to platonically look after her. Another perk? The book is only $2.99 for the ebook.

Now, is this book realistic? Nope. Whether it is the clearly stereotypically attractive men that are all tall, very muscular bad boys or the largely brushed over attempted sexual assault at the beginning of the book this one is not sticking close to reality. Most of the romance books I've read, especially of the paranormal variety, don't set this is a norm anyways so I was not overly surprised. 

Is it a fun, raunchy read? Absolutely. When I pick up a romance heavy book I am mostly looking for an entertaining and fun book. If there are supernatural elements present, then it's even better. This one is fast paced for being 432 pages and ties together a couple of storylines well through action and a lot of intense brooding. There was some humor in this book but if you are looking for a Janet Evanovich style romance that has you cracking up out loud then this probably is not the right pick for you. 

Wrath and the Black Dagger Brotherhood are all intense characters that mix the brotherhood you would expect from a knightly order with the intense, almost fratty at items, persona of vampires. Most of the guys are womanizers to varying degrees and the concept of finding one's mate is more rare for this batch of bachelors. They are definitely "dudes" and Beth's friend detective provides a bit of almost comic relief.

Beth is what I have come to expect from romance novels. She's got every guy drooling with her couldn't care less attitude and curvy physique while also being incredibly sassy and stubbornly independent. That is until she falls in love; then she is a gentle creature that must be protected. There was a massive potential that her tendency to fit the standard mold, as well as the male characters, would become annoying and boring. Despite this I still liked her character and did not dread reading about her. She definitely grows on you.

A lot of the elements of this novel are stereotypical for a paranormal romance novel. They are what I have come to expect from the genre and a lot of the plot was predictable. While some would argue that this makes the book flawed, I think that is one of romance's great strengths. That familiarity from one book to a next guarantees you're going to escape into the world you've picked up. But there was some great groundwork set for a more interesting and fleshed out world in this novel that will likely continue throughout the series, which is nearing 22 books according to Amazon.

If you're into romance, vampires, and brooding then I definitely recommend giving this one a go. Happy reading!

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