Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy by Elizabeth Kendall

Title: The Phantom Prince-My Life with Ted Bundy
Author: Elizabeth and Molly Kendall
Page Count: 224
Rating: A
Format Read: Kindle via Libby
Genre: Memoir
Keywords: Chilling, Real life, Blinded by love
Kid Appropriate: Teens and older

Below is my spoiler free video review for this gripping memoir, rereleased in 2020 with an additional introduction and afterward. New to this edition also are color family photographs from their time together and a chapter from Elizabeth's daughter. Her daughter Molly's chapter was definitely one of the most surprising parts for me and had more new information than I was expecting as a fan of true crime.

This memoir is written by Elizabeth Kendall detailing her six year relationship with the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy. I was expecting this to be perhaps a bit cheesy and odd. She was in love with a monster after all. What I got was a chilling account of a young mother struggling with addiction and grasping to hold on to a relationship she desperately wanted to work.

Even if you are not interested in true crime or serial killers, this memoir is strikingly honest and will stay with you after reading. 

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